Parkview Regional Medical Center’s Dr. Jason Voorhies treats his elementary school teacher’s brain tumor
Synaptive Medical’s BrightMatter™ technology was featured March 16, 2018, in a Fort Wayne, Indiana TV news story about a local woman who successfully had a brain tumor removed and made a quick recovery.
Watch the entire WANE-TV 15 report featuring BrightMatter:
WANE-TV 15 reports that former teacher Julie VanLue thought her life would be seriously disrupted by surgery for a growing brain tumor.
But the advances in minimally-invasive surgery made possible by the BrightMatter system at Parkview Regional Medical Center, along with the skillful hands of her surgeon and former elementary school pupil Dr. Jason Voorhies, saw VanLue out of hospital just two days after surgery.
“I thought I’d have to go into rehab,” VanLue said. “I didn’t have to do any of that.”
Dr. Jason Voorhies (center) demonstrates Synaptive’s BrightMatter™ technology at Parkview Regional Medical Center
Parkview Regional also wrote about VanLue’s surgery on its website, and interviewed Dr. Voorhies about BrightMatter.
“This technology allows us to find the safest route to access and remove brain tumors and hemorrhages,” Voorhies said. “Until now, we have not had the ability to accurately navigate the critical white matter tracts of the brain.”
The article is available here, and the Parkview Regional story is here.