On August 3, 2017, families got the opportunity to see what it’s like to perform brain surgery with Synaptive’s BrightMatter™ technology at “Neurosurgeon for a Day.” This event was hosted by OU Medicine and the Science Museum Oklahoma.
NewsOK covered this event. Read their story here.
Approximately 500 children between the ages of 5 and 12 attended the event, lining up all day to received hands-on experience with Oklahoma’s only robotic digital microscope. Students also came to meet with doctors from OU Medicine. Dr. Michael Sughrue and Dr. Brad Bohnstedt, neurosurgeons at OU Medicine, attended the event and assisted the museum guests with operating BrightMatter Drive.
“We’re hoping that by bringing this here and showing it to the kids that we can inspire kids to grow up and either be engineers, or biologists, or even neurosurgeons someday,” said Dr. Bohnstedt.
“We have always thought that we could do a lot better than what we could do with our hands if we use robots. What you’re seeing here is the first realistic effort and realistic device for doing robotic brain surgery,” said Dr. Sughrue.
This six-hour showcase allowed for OU Medicine to showcase its technology and expertise to the community.
“Being able to have a machine like this in Oklahoma City and providing access for patients here is just phenomenal. Having it here shows our commitment to being on the cutting edge. We’re leading the way for the future of Oklahoman’s and the country,” said Dr. Bohnstedt.
Special thanks to Nick Rose from OU Medicine and Sherrie Van Oss, Corey Dixon and Roxanne Neufeld from Team Synaptive for their assistance with organizing this event.